An aunt, an advisor.

I am a listener, integrator, iterator, interviewer, facilitator, writer, anthropologist, analyst, strategist, student, steward, neighbor, and friend - an aunt* and advisor to many.

Degrees, schools, courses, teachers, papers, panels, presentations, strategic and comprehensive plans, policies, bills, campaigns, companies, startups, nonprofits - yes. I’ve worked on many projects.

More importantly, my values: integrity, alignment, consent, accountability, anti-oppression (including anti-racism), pro-liberation, transparency, intentionality, communication, connectivity, community, place-based practices, earth-based ways, intergenerational perspectives, rhythms, cycles, remembering, and wellbeing.

Some of my identity contexts include: Italian immigrant-British colonizer heritage, racialized & privileged as white, predominantly cisgendered woman (she & they pronouns), educationally privileged, and CPTSD impacted.

I stand with Black folx, Indigenous folx, LGBTQ+ folx, and many more folx. I also stand with white folx, hetero and cisgendered folx, and all folx . I believe that the path of anti-oppression is walked by the healing of all fractures.

Still interested?

My operations, communications, offerings, and deliverables are grounded in the values listed above.

You can expect to:

share, listen, inquire, consider, experiment, request, change, remain, build, connect, rest, & infinity.

Some areas of focus:

  • affordable housing, stewardship, place-based resourcing, & so-called “real estate”

  • anti-oppression including anti-racism & pro-liberation

  • operationalizing values statements & lifestyle values integration

  • practices of community & communities of practice

  • remembering creativity & essential beauty

While I have technical specialties and expertise and am available to offer those knowledge bases and skillsets, my work today is often as a generalist advisor, researcher, writer, and strategist rather than as a specialist. If and when I identify that you need specialist support during my work with you that is beyond my areas of expertise, I can refer you to options including but not limited to: attorneys, graphic design & social media professionals, DEIA professionals, HR consultants, community organizers, bodyworkers, and mental health counselors, as well as field specialists for your specific industry or body of work.

Thank you for visiting this page. I look forward to working with you if I have the opportunity.

zia celestina

* ”zia” is the Italian word for “aunt”