a broad array

With a large toolbox and a wide variety of different tools, many different offerings are available.

Click around, see what could work best for you. If and when you’re ready, scroll down, reach out.

for organizations*

  • Particularly in the affordable housing, sustainable construction and development, homeownership, equity, and stewardship spaces I am available for contract work in project & program management.

  • Let’s talk community land trusts, resident-owned cooperatives, and other permanently decommodified, or less commodified, models for housing as a human right and land stewardship as an obligation.

  • Depending on the age of your organization, either or both a values integration process and an integrity audit may serve you. Newer organizations or groups still in the ideation phase would be best suited for a values integration process, and existing and later stage organizations would benefit greatly from an integrity audit.

    values integration: the process by which an organization reviews (or establishes, if they haven’t already) their values and practically and actually integrates those values into every aspect of their work

    integrity audit: an inspection and assessment of the ways in which an organization is or is not in integrity with their stated values based on their operations, practices, communications, and outcomes

    ~~ pricing is project-specific based on size of organization, age of organization, and final assessment of scope. ~~

  • Culture is, by nature and in many ways by beauty, an unwieldy colleague and/or friend. It can be both a collective creation and a doctrine, although one path is typically offers more cohesion than the other. It is also a practice more than it is an intention, although it is both.

    Conflict is often a clash of perceived or expected culture and lived experience.

    If your organization is experiencing an identity crisis, trouble attracting team members that align with culture, persistent or acute internal conflict, and/or a transition in culture, you could benefit from a culture & conflict assessment. The assessment will include a review of findings as well as recommendations for continuation, iteration, and/or repair.

    ~~ pricing is project-specific based on size of organization, age of organization, and final assessment of scope. ~~

  • Soundingboard sessions are working meetings wherein individuals or small to mid-sized teams work through an idea or challenge with a guide.

    My role is a blend of facilitator and consultant. I will tend to the process of the participants from the their perspective and needs; manage, organize, and compile the data produced from the session; and provide input and recommendations from values integration and best practices perspectives. These sessions can range in formality depending on the goal, from a phone call with an individual on behalf of an organization with follow-up notes to an in-person team gathering or summit.

    Good fits for soundingboard sessions - for organizations - include but are certainly not limited to: small groups or teams who have an idea they are interested in exploring or launching; boards of directors needing a focused and outcome-oriented meeting; special projects teams; local governmental bureaus faced with acute issues, goals, or constituent requests; and collaboratives of creators and artists spawning new work and ventures.

  • Whether to support an existing program with research materials for funders and public awareness, to collaborate with internal policy writers, to research a possible solution for a local or regional problem, to develop a background piece for further policy development, or simply to learn more about a possible venture or program opportunity, commissioned research and reports can support many different organizations. Many organizations, even of mid- to large size, do not have internal team members dedicated to research and report development.

    Additionally, for values-aligned organizations, commissioned writing is also available. Whether your team does not have communications support or whether you are the communications staff and you need an outside support or collaborator, developing thorough written pieces about the organization and its work can be utilized in many areas from recruiting to media presence to development and fundraising.

    For smaller or more informal organizations like startups, grassroots groups, neighborhood collectives, spiritual circles, and more, commissioned writing pieces can serve to codify shared values and mission work or to develop outreach materials to connect to others.

  • Special projects support is available on a case-by-case basis and can take on many shapes. Types of special projects include: interim director or management roles; contract work including policy development and program development; advisory support during processes like strategic planning or opportunity considerations; new program feasibility assessment, development, and launch; facilitating and managing collaborations between organizations; culture change processes; instituting power-sharing leadership structures; earth-based group grounding experiences; and hands-on integrity practices for groups.

exchange for organizations

Most organizational offerings need to be quoted based on scope. While my pricing is anchored on the same hourly rate as my individual work, the nature of these offerings can require particular preparation and follow-up in addition to, for example, the meeting time itself for a soundingboard session with a team or board. Reach out for an initial viability and project scoping & estimating call.

*organization: a group of two or more individuals who take action in the name of the group rather than themselves as individuals. any group of two or more individuals can utilize and benefit from my services for organizations - companies, cooperatives, unions, neighborhood associations, governmental and tribal commissions and committees, startups, grassroots groups, bands, collectives, volunteer groups, recovery spaces, communities of practice, spiritual circles, families, and even friends.

for individuals*

  • On-call advising is typically a good fit for folx in a position professionally, personally, creatively, spiritually, or otherwise who could use advisory input on an ongoing basis, whether to navigate through a particular circumstance over time, or to have support available consistently and reliably over time to navigate whatever may arise. It is most utilized by leaders and creators who carry impactful decision-making responsibility in the spaces they participate in and create.

    On-call clients are guaranteed to always be able to book a session with me within 3 working days, excluding time I am out-of-office. Standard booking may be weeks or more out.

    On-call advising is offered on a quarterly retainer basis for the cost of at least two calls per quarter. Additional calls may be booked as desired or needed. Because of the on-call nature requiring time be set aside if needed, I carry up to 8 on-call clients at any time. If I am currently at capacity, I am happy to put you on a wait-list and book a call during my openly available hours.

  • Soundingboard sessions are working meetings wherein individuals or small to mid-sized teams work through an idea or challenge with a guide.

    My role is a blend of facilitator and consultant, meaning that I will tend to the process of the participant/s from the participant/s’s perspective and needs; and manage, organize, and compile the data produced from the session; and provide input and recommendations from values integration and best practices perspectives. These sessions are often one-off or a defined series of calls depending on the focus.

    Good fits for soundingboard sessions - for individuals - include but are certainly not limited to: individuals who have an idea or venture they are interested in exploring or launching; team leaders, or anyone in a position of focused responsibility and leadership, with an acute challenge or idea; folx with interpersonal conflict based around their values who would like feedback in determining their path forward; and folx with internal conflict or stuckness around their values and their values integration in their life.

  • Values integration for individuals supports individual alignment with one’s values in their lifestyle & relationships.

    When an internal dissonance, or misalignment, persists in our awareness and bodies, it can be a signal that we are engaging in choices and actions that are not in alignment with our values, the capital “t” Truth for ourselves.

    Or, sometimes, it is blatantly clear to us that we continue to make choices that are not in integrity with our values, yet we struggle to find the groove in which to flow in integrity with ease.

    Lastly, sometimes we are ready for a new level of values integration and know that there is more lifestyle and relationship alignment available to us, but we are not sure where to turn or what those shifts might look like.

    Values integration work requires multiple meetings over time and is offered as a 4-meeting series with pre-series prep work and a post-series deliverable. Values integration work can be deepened and continued with additional series.

  • Sometimes what we need most is a simple, reliable, flexible space for connection. Zia time is unstructured space and can take many shapes like a call, a lunch, or a walk in the park. It’s cozy and comfy. It’s aunt time.

  • Shadow & space sharing is offered to existing clients only after other services have been offered and a working relationship has been established. Shadow & space sharing is a fairly unique offering in which participants are welcomed into a home space in order to witness some examples of integration and alignment practices first-hand by seeing and doing, rather than speaking and thinking. This work can bring rapid, nearly instantaneous, growth and transformation, and it can plant seeds that slowly germinate over time and space for years and miles to come.

  • I am interested in and available for collaborations and special projects on a case-by-case basis.

    Collaboration examples include co-authoring written works, partnered workshops, and collaboration in new projects and ventures if it is the right fit.

    Special project examples include proofreading and editing; earth-based grounding work; place-based inquiry and research for individuals or projects; lineage research and exploration; and more.

exchange for individuals

Individual offerings are recommended to be 75 minute sessions, but if for scheduling or any other reasons a 60-minute session is preferable, 60-minute sessions are available. My offerings are available for authentic exchange - you decide what the appropriate exchange is for you at any given time. For additional guidance, see the below note on “pricing.”

Generally booked simply as single sessions: soundingboard sessions and zia time

Booked quarterly with a two-session minimum retainer: on-call advising

Booked as multi-session series or custom scopes of work and require a scoping & estimating call first: values integration, shadow & space sharing, and collaborations & special projects

Why 75 minutes? I have 75-minute sessions to commonly be a fruitful amount of time to thoroughly understand the situation at hand and offer valuable insights, support, and/or deliverables. If you prefer or need a different time interval, let me know.

*While 1-on-1 and an individualized support by nature, these services are not mental health therapy/counseling and do not compare to nor substitute for work from licensed mental health professionals. This support, as self-named, is best described as akin to that of a helpful and reliable aunt (“zia” in Italian) - someone you go to for feedback, grounding, support, and some balanced direction from their perspective; but not a medical professional to provide regulated healthcare services (unless your aunt is also a doctor or therapist, in which case, rad).

reach out.

Your interest in working with me is appreciated and honored. I will get back to you and your inquiry. I am most often in the office on a Monday-Thursday rhythm, though not always.

If I am on sabbatical or other extended leave, it will be noted here.

a note on “pricing:”

If you are not be experienced in determining your own exchange value for something, the first question is to determine if you would like to exchange via trade or via currency.

If trade, consider whether your offering is a service or a good. If a service, consider an exchange of the same amount of time as the service you are receiving. If your trade offering is a good, you may need to think more deeply and holistically about value. What is the embedded energy in your good? What seems like an authentic trade?

If you would like to exchange via currency, consider your own ability, authenticity, and integrity as well as the service you are receiving.

In consideration of your own ability and authenticity, what amount of currency would feel meaningful to you? What amount of currency that is in your circulation appropriately represents the value of the offering you are receiving? If you are interested in long-term or series offerings, what amount of currency is sustainable for you to continue to be in exchange?

In consideration of the service you are receiving, I offer my attempt at quantifying my offering as an anchor. If we accept this financial and quantitative way of exchanging that we, humans (at least some of our ancestors), have built, true costs are dictated by a simple calculation. My calculation brings me to an average exchange of $186 per hour. If this number seems large to you, remember that some attorneys charge $625 per hour. If this number seems small to you, remember that some of our siblings are structurally forced to work for $15 per hour. These numbers in many ways are societal value judgments. The number I offer is a calculation of what is needed to sustain a life until death. The calculation includes:

  • the true amount of effective energy and billable working hours I have available: this takes into account my unbillable time like administrative work, ongoing education, and preliminary calls, plus set asides for healthcare and sick time along with rest/community/growth/”vacation” time

  • the true costs of a life and maintaining work: practices of redistribution, business overhead and expenses, the cost of living, and planning for elder years of aging and decreased working ability

Your exchange is entirely up to you. I know there will be some who exchange in currency for less than my average exchange anchor of $186. I know there will be some who exchange in currency for more than my average exchange anchor of $186, to support this format and those who are in exchange for less. Choose your own adventure, as they say. Follow your authenticity & integrity (and enjoy it, if you can - our integrity and authenticity are beautiful gifts).